


In our busy lives, many of us struggle to find balance, harmony or peace of mind.   If you, like many, function at a high energetic frequency (go-go-go) slowing down to “smell the roses” often necessitates conscious and gradual down shifting. Conversely, if you lack motivation or feel stuck in your life, you may need a push or inspiration to get moving in the right direction in order to realize your dreams. The practice of yoga can help to disperse energy through movement, facilitate a shift in perspective and manage the fluctuations of the mind through controlled breathing. If we are moving too fast or aren’t moving enough (physically and figuratively) we risk missing the joy available in each moment of our lives.   It is natural to move from activity to rest throughout our daily lives. It is also natural to move from seeking accomplishment to feeling contentment or even ebbing backwards on the imagined path of life.   How can we embrace these natural rhythms of life in a way that supports our spiritual growth and happiness? How can we experience peace of mind? The concept of balance Within the philosophy of Ayurvedic science and yoga exists the concepts of the three gunas. The gunas are elements of our prakriti or our natural state. In a perfect world, this state is one of equilibrium gently swaying from activity to rest. The three gunas are sattva, rajas and tamas. These are respectively balance or intelligence, energy or turbulence and inertia or substance….


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